Friday, April 16, 2010

Solitary Confinement, doe.

If I were to draft a law regulating the use of Solitary Confinement I would have a limit to the amount of time a prisoner can spend there. I don"t think years on end are okay, I think that is cruel.

I also think that is not going to help the prisoner when they get out. If I were a prison official I would put some restrictions to what they are allowed to do. I find it strange that this power is held by a group of individuals and they can do whatever they want with it and are not controlled or monitored by their higher authorities.

If the prisoner wanted to challenge their solitary confinement I think they should be allowed to take it to court. I don't think its okay that prison officials should be able to just do whatever they want when they want to and no one else even has to know.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Gangs Doe..!

I think in order to decrease gangs and the numbers of gang members, we need to stop the activity at its roots. If we make dropping out of school, for kids in those situations, or even all kids harder it would keep them from daytime illegal or gang related activity. Also if we had more youth facilities for teens to go to so they arent on the streets and night. However gangs will never go away. They will always be around. Forget the flyers, though that is pretty funny! I think they should for sure keep up with youth centers though. Thumbs Up!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Capital Punishment

I think sentencing people to death for sure scares them, but most criminals don't even consider getting that outcome. Killing someone obviously prevents them from killing again but its obviously not stopping everyone because we still have crime and murder. Also, I think a major weakness in this system is that we are killing someone because they killed someone/people. this doesn't make us better than them, it makes us just as bad. I think this is contradictory and if its not okay for citizens to kill someone it should be okay for anyone no matter what. bad bad bad bad

Thursday, March 4, 2010

insanity defense

I think it is good to have the insanity defense especially for cases like Andrea Yates. If you were to put people like this in jail they could go crazy "warehouse syndrome" and possibly go on a killing spree! Jail already makes sane people go insane so who knows what could happen to already clinically insane people. The experience could probably be like war for a soldier and they could act the same as a person with PTSD. For me, I think the sanity of a person should definitely be brought into account in a criminal case, but only for those necessary and for people who would be medically diagnosed as psychotic. Going back to Andrea Yates, she truly believed she was saving her children from going to hell, so should she really be considered a criminal if she didn't know it was the wrong thing to do? But people who kill someone to benefit themselves or something like that, is not psychotic its just evil and morally wrong- they are fully aware that it is against the law but they do it any how. As far as my opinion on Andrea Yates I believe many things went wrong way before she killed her children. She should not have gone in and sent out of treatment so many times. She clearly had a problem that needed to be fixed before she could go home. She also should not have been able to spend any period of time alone with her children if they knew she was violent and crazy. I know it isn't the fault of anyone else because she was a grown woman who should be able to take care of herself but i think people should have been more cautious of her and what she could do in that state of mind. Her husband knew she wasn't on med's and didn't do anything about it which is completely irresponsible of him as her husband and the children's father. but she was also a nurse so she is aware that she needed her medicine and that it would help her so she should have done it. maybe if she was on her med's she wouldn't have been a horrible mom and wouldn't have to save her children..

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What can we do to prevent crime?

Well, I personally do not think we can do anything that will stop all crime from happening. Its just not going to happen, there's too many people to monitor and a lot of other things that also need to be taken care of. I believe there are ways to minimize the amount of crime that occurs, but not to stop it completely. I think there are things we can do to help people so they wouldn't have to commit crimes. Such as stealing, if people had the money to afford their necessities they would not have to steal and sell to get money for food for their families. Possible limitations are MONEYY. Seeing as how we aren't in a good economic situation, and how china essentially owns us due to the debts we owe them, I don't think this is possible to handle right now. We'll get 'em next time.